CFA精彩活动:金融干货&零距离互动,高端人 脉+前沿视野+实践能力,你不能错过的每个精彩 瞬间。
立即体验Reading | 考纲要求变化 |
Real Estate Investments |
a. 考点 compare the characteristics, classifications,principal risks, and basic forms of public and private real estate investments;由原 reading 39 中的考点 a/b 整合而成 b. 原 reading 39 考点 c 删除 economic value determinants, investment characteristics, and principal risks 描述 e. 增加 discuss real estate investment indexes, including their construction and potential biases; 考点 |
Private Equity Investments |
d.describe valuation issues in buyout and venture capital transactions; 描述变为 interpret LBO model and VC method output; J. 考点 calculate pre-money valuation, post-money valuation, ownership fraction,and price per share applying the venture capital method 1) with single and multiple financing rounds and 2) in terms of IRR; 删除 k.考点 demonstrate alternative methods to account for risk in venture capital.删除 |
CFA精彩活动:金融干货&零距离互动,高端人 脉+前沿视野+实践能力,你不能错过的每个精彩 瞬间。