CFA精彩活动:金融干货&零距离互动,高端人 脉+前沿视野+实践能力,你不能错过的每个精彩 瞬间。
立即体验Reading | 考纲要求变化 |
Capital Structure |
原 a 考点拆解为新纲 a/b 两个考点 b. 考 点 describe target capital structure and explain why a company’s actual capital structure may fluctuate around its target;删除 c.考点 describe the role of debt ratings in capital structure policy;删除 |
Analysis of Dividends and Share Repurchases | g.residual dividend payout ratio 部分删除 |
Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) Considerations in Investment Analysis | 原 章 节 名 Corporate Governance and Other ESG Considerations in Investment Analysis |
Mergers and Acquisitions |
g.考点 calculate and interpret the Herfindahl–Hirschman Index and evaluate the likeli- hood of an antitrust challenge for a given business combination;删除 i. 考点 calculate free cash flows for a target company and estimate the company’s intrinsic value based on discounted cash flow analysis;删除 j. 删除 estimate the value of a target company using comparable company and compa- rable transaction analyses;考点 k. 删 除 calculate the extimated post-acquisition value of an acquirer 部分变为考点 h |
Capital Budgeting |
e.考点explain and calculate the discount rate, based on market risk methods, to use in valuing a capital project;删除 h.考点 calculate and interpret accounting income and economic income in the context of capital budgeting; 删除 i. 考 点 distinguish among the economic profit, residual income, and claims valuation models for capital budgeting and evaluate a capital project using each.删除 |
CFA精彩活动:金融干货&零距离互动,高端人 脉+前沿视野+实践能力,你不能错过的每个精彩 瞬间。