CFA精彩活动:金融干货&零距离互动,高端人 脉+前沿视野+实践能力,你不能错过的每个精彩 瞬间。
立即体验Reading | 考纲要求变化 |
Introduction to Linear Regression |
a. 更改描述 describe a simple linear regression model b. 更改描述 describe the least squares criterion, how it is used to estimate regression coefficients, and their interpretation; c.更改描述 describe how residuals and residual plots indicate if these assumptions may have been violated; h.更改内容 describe different functional forms of simple linear regressions. |
Multiple Regression |
e.删除”a confidence interval for the population value of a regression coefficient ”的要求 J.现内容 formulate and interpret a multiple regression, including qualitative independent variables;涵盖原 n 和j 两部分内容 n.新增内容 interpret an estimated logistic regression; |
Excerpt from “Probabilistic Approaches: Scenario Analysis, Decision Trees, and Simulations” | 整章删除 |
CFA精彩活动:金融干货&零距离互动,高端人 脉+前沿视野+实践能力,你不能错过的每个精彩 瞬间。