一、伦理与职业标准(Ethical and Professional Standards)
Reading 4 Trade Allocation: Fair Dealing and Disclosure
Reading 5 Changing Investment Objectives
二、数量方法(Quantitative Methods)
Reading 4 Introduction to Linear Regression,删除关于相关分析的考纲要求:
a. calculate and interpret a sample covariance and a sample correlation coefficient and interpret a scatter plot;
b. describe limitations to correlation analysis;
c. formulate a test of the hypothesis that the population correlation coefficient equals zero and determine whether the hypothesis is rejected at a given level of significance;
Reading 5 Multiple Regression,删除关于机器学习的三条原考纲要求:
p.distinguish between supervised and unsupervised machine learning;
q.describe machine learning algorithms used in prediction, classification, clustering, and dimension reduction;
r.describe the steps in model training;
新增Reading 7 Machine Learning;
新增Reading 8 Big Data Project;